Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Resolved To Live

Resolved to Live
There are things in my life that I want to do differently for the remainder of my days on this earth. These are resolutions, things that I am resolved to do. Each thing I will fail at many, many times but eventually I will prevail. I have been given a power that overcame death and through which the framework of the entire universe was created. Therefore, I will overcome. These are things that when I am not paying attention seem to jump up and bite me like a rattlesnake or even worse pounce me like a lurking lion. It will require constant faith, diligence, warning, reminding, discipline, desire, seeking, listening, looking and patience. In the end I will look different and those around me will be different. I am putting them out there as a way of accountability. Maybe the three of you that stumble upon this can ask me, “hey, are you staying on top of those resolutions, are you living resolved?” I am confident as can be that if I do what I know is required I will overcome these and be able to see even more depth to the flesh that I hate. For now this is the surface and middle area of it. The depths of it are yet to come but these things are first. These are things brought to my attention by my Father, as well as others that I love.
Resolved to do:
When unexpected attack comes from the enemy, I will run. I will not try and fight because I am in no shape to fight, otherwise I would have seen it coming.
When I am tired I will go to sleep. Staying awake will always lead to trouble, immediate and next day.
If I talk to any person in an attitude I would hate to receive myself, I will immediately apologize and seek again the presence of God.
I will curb my appetite by seeking His presence.
I will once a day consider how God loves people and ask to have one day of extreme love. When this day finally comes I will let it change me forever.
I will not be on the computer when my children are around, unless a very specific and urgent matter is at hand.
I will write something every other day.
I will seek the presence of God once an hour. When I fail I will learn from it.
I will continue to learn how each person around me feels loved and learn to become that in their life, as opposed to loving how I think they should be. Love becomes what it needs to be in order to achieve what it is.
Whenever anger starts to arise in my heart I will seek its root and pull it.
I will ask, look, and listen as much as possible so that I can receive, see and hear.
I will confess exaggeration to the point that it no longer exists.
I will have this list automatically texted to me once a day and I resolve to read it every day.

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