Thursday, January 27, 2011

The secret that I know, Part II

Jesus the Key
There is absolutely no denying the historical existence of a man named Jesus. He is as historical as Christopher Columbus. The thing that blows me away about the man named Jesus is the impact that his life left on the world. In 2000 years it has not lost one bit of momentum. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to say it has been pretty. Religions have formed around him and manipulated people, wars have been waged in his name, and hypocrisy and legalism have left a resounding distaste in peoples’ mouths. This in no way, shape or form reflects on who the man Jesus is and claimed to be. The reporting of his life has never changed and when you cut through all of the religious crap you find that for 2000 years the name of Jesus has perpetually changed peoples’ lives. I would like to authenticate this report. I am another one of those that have been changed. What I would like to report on, though, is what has changed. This is where I believe a major difference exists between secondhand reporting and a firsthand account. This is where holding the key and using the key are radically different. Living by faith and having faith do not even look similar. The Jesus that you have heard about and the Jesus that is in the Bible are very different. Look I know that this is very confusing and I will tell you that it takes years to work through and understand. When you enter the door it does not become a cure all and easy fix. It is anything but an easy fix. You do not magically get made perfect nor does everything go your way. That is what is so awesome about the Bible! It tells you this. It does not try and sell you some It tells you that the early followers of Jesus were imprisoned and tortured to death! That would definitely be obvious that life does not automatically get easier! Those lives were WAY easier (in an earthly sense) before encountering Jesus! These were people that left everything to follow this Jesus and some had their heads chopped off, willingly!!! They faced unknown dangers including, imprisonment, starvation, poverty and being disowned from their families and communities, but why? What was it that lead them to do this? Jesus is the key. Part II

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