The secret that I know
There is a secret that I know. It is a secret yet every town in America knows it. It is a secret that most of the world knows yet it is still a secret. It is information that goes so deep, infiltrates so many things that if it was shouted from the rooftop it would blow the cover off of everything that we know, yet it is broadcasted everywhere. This knowledge is available to all who desire it, yet it is still restricted. Well it has come to a point that I am weary of holding it in; no longer can I remain hush-hush regarding it. It is time for me to reveal the surprise. Tied up in the entire universe, the known and unknown, is a key that unlocks the door to all its mysteries. I have discovered this key. I have this key in my possession. I, myself, have entered the door. I have entered and it is beyond my wildest dream, far deeper and more surreal than that of my most untamed hallucination. It is a world filled with power and understanding, yet what remains to be discovered is equal to that of continents of new, unchartered lands.
The key that will get you in, this classified news that is available on every city block is one word. Jesus.
This one word, this one person is the key to everything everywhere. By Him unlocks the mysteries of all living by letting you in the door of all understanding. I want to stand on my rooftop and shout at the top of my lungs; the key is Jesus. Without Him you know nothing. I will say it again, without Him you know nothing, you are a fool. (I know this because I was a fool as well) Without Him you have no chance. Without Him you have zero understanding. Without Him you are a walking zombie searching for life. Without Him you will continue to walk around as a dying man searching for a cure.
This remains a secret because many know of this key but will not open the door. Well I did and I am not going to keep it a secret any longer I am going to tell you about it and I promise not to stop telling you. I am going to write and talk everyday all day and I am going to proclaim this secret. Jesus is the answer to all things. The door that He opens is a door that you don’t even know exists. Well I am going to tell you about it. I am going to look like a lunatic, sound like a fanatic, but you know what? I am. I am head over heels, in love with this Jesus. It is high time for everyone to fully know this secret that I know. So I am going to shout it from my rooftop, I am going to write it everywhere. I want everyone that knows me to know about this door. You do not have listen to me, but I think that if you do, you will be surprised by what I have found behind this door. It is mind blowing and different than what is advertised by those that have only read reports about it. Secondhand reporting will always miss the mark. I will start by saying that it is higher than any high can get you, deeper than any sexcapade can take you, richer and more complete than money can buy you. It leads you to truth and truth sets you free. You see without this secret, you are bound. You are a slave to this world, you are in chains to everything that is ugly and broken, and you yourself are broken. This secret will open the door to freedom. Jesus came to set you free. Freedom is unlike anything you know. All you know is slavery. I will shout it if I have to but right now I am whispering in your ear, you can be free, you can be free, you can be free. I was bound. I have been set free. The key is Jesus. Part 1