The Equation of Life- an active hypothesis
(chances are none of this will make sense to anyone but me)
Escaping the cycle of life is everything that I want to do, but at the same time lie trapped in its ways
Change always leads to the unknown and most of the time, the never before imagined. We want change because we think that it will make things better, insinuating that we feel like there is something wrong with the way things are. For things to be better change must take place. That is a variable that is constant with the equation of improved outcomes. X + Change= improvements or depreciation (doing something differently can produce adverse effects as well)
X= doing the same thing over and over= status quo or depreciation or DEP (never can produce improvement)
DEP = X(T) this is due to the fact that X is not ∞
X needs energy to maintain status quo this is the constant motivator (CM) that is needed to maintain SQ, it is a part of SQ
SQ= CM(T) = X
Depreciation + Change = X or return to status quo, this is false improvement, in that there is a difference but it is not above anything that there was
You can see from the equation of life we need to have a consistent motion of change to have the best of things. As soon as we sense that there is something better than what we have we need to be putting into motion the things we need to do to experience that improvement.
Something must happen to X in order for it to see the need for improvement. There is a force exerted on X to see the need for motion. Something is needed to initiate this energy. Change is a byproduct of this motivator.
(M) must act upon X to produce(m)to produce change which will = improvement or depreciation
M is the motivator, (basically paints the picture of what the improvement will look like). The motivator delivers the spark that fuels the logic, desire, and planned course of action for the needed improvement which leads to the change. The motivator is active in pushing the motivation.
m is the motivation or fuel or power needed to produce change. Change needs energy or action to come to fruition. Motivation is the logic, desire, and planned course of action for arriving at the picture of the Motivator.
Energy is also needed to maintain status quo, a change to the amount of energy is what produces the depreciation or improvement. The continuation of the same amount of energy will maintain status quo but will only hold off depreciation for so long. X has a built in mortality factor that will never result in infinity.
M has the ability to deliver a positive or negative spark. This negative spark seems to erase the logic that maintains status quo or paints a false image of improvement (deceptive ideas)
M that results in improvement must provide depth that allows unlimited motivation or enough to result in the change. This change has a direct result on the outcome. They are not equal though because change is dependent on other variables.
Therefore The Motivator can be equal to Improvement or depreciation because it is what initiates the energy that produces the change. The outcome can be greater than, less than or equal to the onset.
Typically when the onset leads to improvement, this improvement has a hidden escalator in it that can make the improvement even better than the motivator because the motivator is the idea, the outcome is the experience. The same token applies to the deceiving motivator having a hidden depreciating escalator in it, as well that produces less than SQ.
There are strong motivators and weak ones. There are far more weak ones than strong ones. The weak ones create pictures that do not provide enough of a spark to start the fire or provide enough fuel to produce the change (lack motivation) A good motivator does not lack that spark and has enough fuel.
EM + X= change E= Effective
DM + X= SQ D= Defective weak logic, wishful thinking will be a byproduct but will always equal SQ
DM(T) + X = depreciation T=time
C(T) = improvement or depreciation C=Change
X-CM= depreciation CM=constant motivator
The CM needs to exert more energy to maintain SQ over time. SQ begins to breakdown when there is not enough energy to maintain it.
The work to get back to SQ comes from another type of motivator. This could be called the status quo motivator or SQM.
SQM(T) + depX = SQ dep=depreciation
Unless EM(T) + X becomes the equation this cycle will continue forever
This is why a constant motion of change or a colossal EM or CEM, is needed
CEM = improvement times infinity because there is not enough time for finished improvement to be completed.
CEM is a link of EM
CEM = EM+EM+EM continued
We must find our CEM in order to live a life of fulfillment because otherwise SQ is all that we are fighting for. We also should find that this type of life is easier to live than one trying to maintain status quo. The proper Motivator provides all of the energy that we need to produce the improvement. It exists there.
CEM + X = the life that you desire or DL
The presence of a CEM implies that change will take place and can remove change from the variable making it equal to change.
Can also be expressed as (EM + EM+ EM)∞ + X = DL
DL= unlimited possibilities
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