The Equation of Life- an active hypothesis
(chances are none of this will make sense to anyone but me)
Escaping the cycle of life is everything that I want to do, but at the same time lie trapped in its ways
Change always leads to the unknown and most of the time, the never before imagined. We want change because we think that it will make things better, insinuating that we feel like there is something wrong with the way things are. For things to be better change must take place. That is a variable that is constant with the equation of improved outcomes. X + Change= improvements or depreciation (doing something differently can produce adverse effects as well)
X= doing the same thing over and over= status quo or depreciation or DEP (never can produce improvement)
DEP = X(T) this is due to the fact that X is not ∞
X needs energy to maintain status quo this is the constant motivator (CM) that is needed to maintain SQ, it is a part of SQ
SQ= CM(T) = X
Depreciation + Change = X or return to status quo, this is false improvement, in that there is a difference but it is not above anything that there was
You can see from the equation of life we need to have a consistent motion of change to have the best of things. As soon as we sense that there is something better than what we have we need to be putting into motion the things we need to do to experience that improvement.
Something must happen to X in order for it to see the need for improvement. There is a force exerted on X to see the need for motion. Something is needed to initiate this energy. Change is a byproduct of this motivator.
(M) must act upon X to produce(m)to produce change which will = improvement or depreciation
M is the motivator, (basically paints the picture of what the improvement will look like). The motivator delivers the spark that fuels the logic, desire, and planned course of action for the needed improvement which leads to the change. The motivator is active in pushing the motivation.
m is the motivation or fuel or power needed to produce change. Change needs energy or action to come to fruition. Motivation is the logic, desire, and planned course of action for arriving at the picture of the Motivator.
Energy is also needed to maintain status quo, a change to the amount of energy is what produces the depreciation or improvement. The continuation of the same amount of energy will maintain status quo but will only hold off depreciation for so long. X has a built in mortality factor that will never result in infinity.
M has the ability to deliver a positive or negative spark. This negative spark seems to erase the logic that maintains status quo or paints a false image of improvement (deceptive ideas)
M that results in improvement must provide depth that allows unlimited motivation or enough to result in the change. This change has a direct result on the outcome. They are not equal though because change is dependent on other variables.
Therefore The Motivator can be equal to Improvement or depreciation because it is what initiates the energy that produces the change. The outcome can be greater than, less than or equal to the onset.
Typically when the onset leads to improvement, this improvement has a hidden escalator in it that can make the improvement even better than the motivator because the motivator is the idea, the outcome is the experience. The same token applies to the deceiving motivator having a hidden depreciating escalator in it, as well that produces less than SQ.
There are strong motivators and weak ones. There are far more weak ones than strong ones. The weak ones create pictures that do not provide enough of a spark to start the fire or provide enough fuel to produce the change (lack motivation) A good motivator does not lack that spark and has enough fuel.
EM + X= change E= Effective
DM + X= SQ D= Defective weak logic, wishful thinking will be a byproduct but will always equal SQ
DM(T) + X = depreciation T=time
C(T) = improvement or depreciation C=Change
X-CM= depreciation CM=constant motivator
The CM needs to exert more energy to maintain SQ over time. SQ begins to breakdown when there is not enough energy to maintain it.
The work to get back to SQ comes from another type of motivator. This could be called the status quo motivator or SQM.
SQM(T) + depX = SQ dep=depreciation
Unless EM(T) + X becomes the equation this cycle will continue forever
This is why a constant motion of change or a colossal EM or CEM, is needed
CEM = improvement times infinity because there is not enough time for finished improvement to be completed.
CEM is a link of EM
CEM = EM+EM+EM continued
We must find our CEM in order to live a life of fulfillment because otherwise SQ is all that we are fighting for. We also should find that this type of life is easier to live than one trying to maintain status quo. The proper Motivator provides all of the energy that we need to produce the improvement. It exists there.
CEM + X = the life that you desire or DL
The presence of a CEM implies that change will take place and can remove change from the variable making it equal to change.
Can also be expressed as (EM + EM+ EM)∞ + X = DL
DL= unlimited possibilities
I am an unskilled man learning how to navigate through this world and writing my story as I go. These are my thoughts, experiences, failures, suggestions, and ramblings.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thoughts on patience
When do I need to give it, exercise it? When I am quick to anger and frustration?
1. Going someplace and waiting for someone
2. Working on something with someone
3. When I want someone to do something that I want
4. Teaching an idea or concept to someone
5. When things or situations do not go my way
6. Listening to someone and giving them a chance to talk and share
7. Anxious for a some type of event
Patience comes once I am done with myself. Needing patience and showing patience are too different things. Needing patience is much more indicative of a bad thing rather than a good one. When that changes is an indication that maturity is really entering in.
Needing patience is indicative of several things
1. There is a lack of self control
2. There is rapid motions of anger
3. Blatant frustration
4. Thinking that what I have to say is more important or more correct (Pride)
5. Pride
6. Indifference or hate instead of love
7. Not abiding (if I was I would see each moment for what they are instead of ruining them with an outburst of anger or frustration instead of self control and grace.)
8. Not walking with God
Most of the time patience is a just an exercise of self control, basically refraining from sin. It is not a virtue to refrain from getting upset or frustrated because someone is taking longer than you want them to. The virtue comes in a much higher form; in its purest sense (and what I want to be known for) is a patience that is hopefully waiting for something for someone. This type of patience stems from love and understanding. A proper patience for someone has their best interest at heart. It understands the process and steps that it takes to live this life to the fullest and therefore waits hopefully for others. To live out life in a composed nature is to see the big picture. When you see the big picture you can ascertain that it will not be conquered in a quick fashion. It will take perseverance, fortitude, and time to get where you want to go. Not having this picture in my will lead to frustration, anger, intolerance and agitation.
I think that one of the biggest factors in living patiently with people and life, in general, is having the big picture in mind. Knowing where you are going and how and what it will take to get there alleviates a lot of the frustration. If I was going on a trip to Kansas in which I needed to be there in two days, I would save myself a lot of irritation if I had a map compared to if I did not have a map. Could you imagine the lack of composure that would come from guessing how to get there? And with people, patience only comes from maturity. One of the key ingredients that are in maturity is understanding. You understand how you got to where you are at. You have a firm grasp on how life works. You have actually taken the trip to Kansas; you know how long it takes. If it took you 12 hours you would not expect it to only take someone else 6. You know that you cannot skip steps or make things go faster. This mindset can permeate all of life. When I am finally marked by it I know that I will be able to look in the mirror and see the reflection of God because He is the source of all patience. He is wise, He knows where we are going, He knows how and what it takes to get there. He remains without irritation and filled with composure because He came to this earth, He understands. He sits hopeful and waiting.
As a side note, I think and want others to know, that when I lose my patience that I look like a complete idiot and utter fool. It is a mark of immaturity and fleshly living.
When do I need to give it, exercise it? When I am quick to anger and frustration?
1. Going someplace and waiting for someone
2. Working on something with someone
3. When I want someone to do something that I want
4. Teaching an idea or concept to someone
5. When things or situations do not go my way
6. Listening to someone and giving them a chance to talk and share
7. Anxious for a some type of event
Patience comes once I am done with myself. Needing patience and showing patience are too different things. Needing patience is much more indicative of a bad thing rather than a good one. When that changes is an indication that maturity is really entering in.
Needing patience is indicative of several things
1. There is a lack of self control
2. There is rapid motions of anger
3. Blatant frustration
4. Thinking that what I have to say is more important or more correct (Pride)
5. Pride
6. Indifference or hate instead of love
7. Not abiding (if I was I would see each moment for what they are instead of ruining them with an outburst of anger or frustration instead of self control and grace.)
8. Not walking with God
Most of the time patience is a just an exercise of self control, basically refraining from sin. It is not a virtue to refrain from getting upset or frustrated because someone is taking longer than you want them to. The virtue comes in a much higher form; in its purest sense (and what I want to be known for) is a patience that is hopefully waiting for something for someone. This type of patience stems from love and understanding. A proper patience for someone has their best interest at heart. It understands the process and steps that it takes to live this life to the fullest and therefore waits hopefully for others. To live out life in a composed nature is to see the big picture. When you see the big picture you can ascertain that it will not be conquered in a quick fashion. It will take perseverance, fortitude, and time to get where you want to go. Not having this picture in my will lead to frustration, anger, intolerance and agitation.
I think that one of the biggest factors in living patiently with people and life, in general, is having the big picture in mind. Knowing where you are going and how and what it will take to get there alleviates a lot of the frustration. If I was going on a trip to Kansas in which I needed to be there in two days, I would save myself a lot of irritation if I had a map compared to if I did not have a map. Could you imagine the lack of composure that would come from guessing how to get there? And with people, patience only comes from maturity. One of the key ingredients that are in maturity is understanding. You understand how you got to where you are at. You have a firm grasp on how life works. You have actually taken the trip to Kansas; you know how long it takes. If it took you 12 hours you would not expect it to only take someone else 6. You know that you cannot skip steps or make things go faster. This mindset can permeate all of life. When I am finally marked by it I know that I will be able to look in the mirror and see the reflection of God because He is the source of all patience. He is wise, He knows where we are going, He knows how and what it takes to get there. He remains without irritation and filled with composure because He came to this earth, He understands. He sits hopeful and waiting.
As a side note, I think and want others to know, that when I lose my patience that I look like a complete idiot and utter fool. It is a mark of immaturity and fleshly living.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The conditions of God's promises
In the Scriptures there are a number of promises that are given by God. There is something to really consider in regards to them in order to see the fruition of them. The only way that we can see if God’s promises are true is to remain confident and fully trusting that what He said is true. Just because it is promised does not mean that we will receive or experience them. Here’s an example to consider: I have a five year old that loves to play Mario Kart on the Wii. He asks just about every day to play. On most days he allowed right after he asks but on other days there are conditions. I promise (an agreement that guarantees something) him that he can play if cleans up his other toys and folds all of his laundry. There are two things that can happen: he can see the fruition of my pledge and do what was asked or he could not do it and not see the fruition. What I guaranteed did not change but it is not seen because a condition was not met. There are a couple reasons that this might happen. Maybe my son does not trust my word. He could be apprehensive and think that even if he did what was asked he still might not be able to play. The other is simple disobedience. He simply wanted what he wanted but not what I wanted, therefore he chose to not do what was required.
God’s promises are the same. We will never be able to call Him a liar. What He has promised He will willingly oblige. The only things that will keep us from seeing the fruit of His promises are distrust (not having faith) and disobedience. In matters of lack of faith, is there something else that you have found that can get you what God promises? Have you found a better way? Where are you putting your confidence? What is your hope? I am extremely confident that God has never lied or failed to supply His end of one of His promises, if you failed to see it, it is because you did not do what was required. You wanted your way, but not His way. If you like what He promises, look to see what is required on your end, and do it! He will do what He has said, ALWAYS! This is for me more than anyone that reads this, but I do hope that it encourages you. What is one promise that God has made that really excites and motivates you? I love that if I seek Him, I will find Him. He has never failed to live up to His end of the deal. Countless times, I have failed to live up to my end. He is faithful! His guarantees are extraordinarily abundant and inestimably valuable!
God’s promises are the same. We will never be able to call Him a liar. What He has promised He will willingly oblige. The only things that will keep us from seeing the fruit of His promises are distrust (not having faith) and disobedience. In matters of lack of faith, is there something else that you have found that can get you what God promises? Have you found a better way? Where are you putting your confidence? What is your hope? I am extremely confident that God has never lied or failed to supply His end of one of His promises, if you failed to see it, it is because you did not do what was required. You wanted your way, but not His way. If you like what He promises, look to see what is required on your end, and do it! He will do what He has said, ALWAYS! This is for me more than anyone that reads this, but I do hope that it encourages you. What is one promise that God has made that really excites and motivates you? I love that if I seek Him, I will find Him. He has never failed to live up to His end of the deal. Countless times, I have failed to live up to my end. He is faithful! His guarantees are extraordinarily abundant and inestimably valuable!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Some first draft meditations from tonight.
Below are some meditations from tonight that will need to be developed over time. They may or may not make sense to anyone but I see them as seeds being planted into me. We shall see what they will grow into. If any of them plant themselves into you, please let me know. This could totally be just for me, though, and that is okay.
You want me to know the power of the resurrection. In it is everything and it is where we find You.
You want us to first trust You and then continue trusting You and live accordingly. This would resemble living with all our heart, soul and mind in this belief. This belief makes You very excited. Living confidently is fully trusting.
Knowing You is what You want. You want us to know You and this takes place within the resurrection power. You wanting us to know You is profoundly spectacular!
When we close our eyes and completely balance ourselves, You (Jesus) will greet us. When we open our eyes, You will walk with us.
The reason that You want us to prophesy more than anything else is because it requires us listening to You far more than it requires us talking. The energy required to listen to You is found solely in the resurrection power. Living out prophesy is living out all the gifts. Not just speaking as a prophet but also living like a prophet. A prophet is alive to You. This is not some freaky religious person, this is someone that believes in all the life of Jesus and through that is awakened to You and comes alive on this earth. Very natural looking except it looks foreign to those that are not awake.
When a person has entered into this awakening something strange and life altering begins to take place. This world becomes a cocoon. It is very much resembles a caterpillar. Born and living yet it knows that something far greater lies ahead, doesn’t really know what it is though. This is a person that is not awake on this earth. They know that there is something but really have no idea how crazy it could be. Until the caterpillar decides to enter its cocoon it cannot see what lies ahead. The person that begins to trust that Jesus is still alive enters the cocoon. This earth is no longer the same. It becomes a place of transformation and change and that is all that it is. This life, my life, is life that is in the cocoon. There is something major happening. There is a transformation taking place and as long as I am alive, I am in the cocoon. The day that caterpillar’s cocoon breaks open is the day that it ceases to be a caterpillar and is now what it was meant to be. The day that this cocoon breaks is the day that I become what I was meant to be and live as I am meant to live. This earth is a cocoon to those that are awake. We are surrounded by those that do not know we are in one. If a caterpillar refuses to build a cocoon, it will never know what it was meant to be. It might look at a butterfly and say, that would be so amazing to fly, not realizing it is meant to fly. Those who are not awake have no idea that we who alive are now living, as if, in a cocoon. This is where all the change is going down. We are being morphed. It is as dramatic as a worm to a butterfly. What if there were a thousand caterpillars and only five made it to their cocoon? There would only be five butterflies. That is the only way that this world has butterflies. What if out of 4 billion people only 5 million of them trusted that Jesus is true? There would only be 5 million people that emerge from this life transformed and changed. (Although I believe the number would be much higher because I truly believe that God has a unique grace for children and if their chance to enter the cocoon was cut short they will still be transformed. Lots of caterpillars are eaten before they get a chance to transform.) We are not butterflies here in this life. We are worms that are ceasing to be worms becoming what we will be. This is the transformation.
It is very certain that if we trust You, You will show us that You are God. We will not have to read about it and how others have experienced You. You will show us personally and be that to us, because You are the same now as You have always been. I love this.
You want me to know the power of the resurrection. In it is everything and it is where we find You.
You want us to first trust You and then continue trusting You and live accordingly. This would resemble living with all our heart, soul and mind in this belief. This belief makes You very excited. Living confidently is fully trusting.
Knowing You is what You want. You want us to know You and this takes place within the resurrection power. You wanting us to know You is profoundly spectacular!
When we close our eyes and completely balance ourselves, You (Jesus) will greet us. When we open our eyes, You will walk with us.
The reason that You want us to prophesy more than anything else is because it requires us listening to You far more than it requires us talking. The energy required to listen to You is found solely in the resurrection power. Living out prophesy is living out all the gifts. Not just speaking as a prophet but also living like a prophet. A prophet is alive to You. This is not some freaky religious person, this is someone that believes in all the life of Jesus and through that is awakened to You and comes alive on this earth. Very natural looking except it looks foreign to those that are not awake.
When a person has entered into this awakening something strange and life altering begins to take place. This world becomes a cocoon. It is very much resembles a caterpillar. Born and living yet it knows that something far greater lies ahead, doesn’t really know what it is though. This is a person that is not awake on this earth. They know that there is something but really have no idea how crazy it could be. Until the caterpillar decides to enter its cocoon it cannot see what lies ahead. The person that begins to trust that Jesus is still alive enters the cocoon. This earth is no longer the same. It becomes a place of transformation and change and that is all that it is. This life, my life, is life that is in the cocoon. There is something major happening. There is a transformation taking place and as long as I am alive, I am in the cocoon. The day that caterpillar’s cocoon breaks open is the day that it ceases to be a caterpillar and is now what it was meant to be. The day that this cocoon breaks is the day that I become what I was meant to be and live as I am meant to live. This earth is a cocoon to those that are awake. We are surrounded by those that do not know we are in one. If a caterpillar refuses to build a cocoon, it will never know what it was meant to be. It might look at a butterfly and say, that would be so amazing to fly, not realizing it is meant to fly. Those who are not awake have no idea that we who alive are now living, as if, in a cocoon. This is where all the change is going down. We are being morphed. It is as dramatic as a worm to a butterfly. What if there were a thousand caterpillars and only five made it to their cocoon? There would only be five butterflies. That is the only way that this world has butterflies. What if out of 4 billion people only 5 million of them trusted that Jesus is true? There would only be 5 million people that emerge from this life transformed and changed. (Although I believe the number would be much higher because I truly believe that God has a unique grace for children and if their chance to enter the cocoon was cut short they will still be transformed. Lots of caterpillars are eaten before they get a chance to transform.) We are not butterflies here in this life. We are worms that are ceasing to be worms becoming what we will be. This is the transformation.
It is very certain that if we trust You, You will show us that You are God. We will not have to read about it and how others have experienced You. You will show us personally and be that to us, because You are the same now as You have always been. I love this.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The thing about love....ok, maybe one thing.
I would have to say that most of the time, in order for love to be its best, you have to be at your worst. That is when the potency of love bubbles up and overcomes you. Love is potent when you do not feel a sense of entitlement to it. Unfortunately this is typically actualized when we are at our worst. When we are at our best and “giving” our love to someone we feel as if the same should be reciprocated. We feel as if we deserve it and are entitled to it. This creates the idea that love is something that is a reward or something that is earned. And this is how we interact and live with those that we love. This is all fine and dandy until we have one of those days where we know for a fact that we did not hold up our end of the bargain. We failed to “give” our love, we know that we failed. In our minds we believe that we are no longer entitled to “receiving” love. This is where actual love kicks in. Actual love is not based upon performance or as a compensation for labor. Actual love comes at you freely, with no strings attached. Actual love takes you at your worst and treats you as if you are at your best. This is something that is so foreign to the human soul. So foreign that in fact it is easy to want to push it away and reject it. We would rather wallow and wait until we deserve it again. This “foreigner” is persistent though and will not allow us to wallow in the mire. Why? Well, our love would never allow its subject any time wallowing, so why would someone else’s? Love comes in when we are down and picks us up. To reject it is pride. To say no, is to have no understanding regarding love actualized. When we allow it to pick us up it renews us with a sense of satisfaction. I have come to understand that this is because love satisfies. It takes us at our worst and makes us feel at our best. It will never allow us to feel unworthy of its rewards; that would be pity. Love is so much greater than pity; it heals as thorough as any medicine that can be prescribed or surgery that can be performed. It is almost a tragedy that this is the way that it must go. If we can lay all of our efforts and pride aside and allow love to do its thing I feel that we would experience something far greater than what we currently do. Love minus the entitlements is, indeed, one of the greatest most surreal things on the planet, it heals us and sets us free.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Attention my friends
For those of you that know me and love me, I have received super encouraging words and I need you to remind me of them whenever you can. The only way that I will come to know God any deeper right now is by overcoming the evil one. That is my aim in life right now, overcoming the evil one. I lost focus to where I was at, kind of discombobulated. The light is shining all around and I can see the sign, overcome the evil one, that is how you will know the one who is from the beginning, it the only way to get there. I was trying to skip it. THis is mind boggling encouraging to me, please remind me of this often if I look dazed and confused! Thanks!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The secret that I know Part III forthcoming
To the few of you that have read the first couple of these writings I wanted to let you know that there has been a slight delay in the third installment due to me getting pneumonia. As soon as the pounding headache and other unpleasantries clear up, I will continue on with the secret.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The secret that I know, Part II
Jesus the Key
There is absolutely no denying the historical existence of a man named Jesus. He is as historical as Christopher Columbus. The thing that blows me away about the man named Jesus is the impact that his life left on the world. In 2000 years it has not lost one bit of momentum. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to say it has been pretty. Religions have formed around him and manipulated people, wars have been waged in his name, and hypocrisy and legalism have left a resounding distaste in peoples’ mouths. This in no way, shape or form reflects on who the man Jesus is and claimed to be. The reporting of his life has never changed and when you cut through all of the religious crap you find that for 2000 years the name of Jesus has perpetually changed peoples’ lives. I would like to authenticate this report. I am another one of those that have been changed. What I would like to report on, though, is what has changed. This is where I believe a major difference exists between secondhand reporting and a firsthand account. This is where holding the key and using the key are radically different. Living by faith and having faith do not even look similar. The Jesus that you have heard about and the Jesus that is in the Bible are very different. Look I know that this is very confusing and I will tell you that it takes years to work through and understand. When you enter the door it does not become a cure all and easy fix. It is anything but an easy fix. You do not magically get made perfect nor does everything go your way. That is what is so awesome about the Bible! It tells you this. It does not try and sell you some It tells you that the early followers of Jesus were imprisoned and tortured to death! That would definitely be obvious that life does not automatically get easier! Those lives were WAY easier (in an earthly sense) before encountering Jesus! These were people that left everything to follow this Jesus and some had their heads chopped off, willingly!!! They faced unknown dangers including, imprisonment, starvation, poverty and being disowned from their families and communities, but why? What was it that lead them to do this? Jesus is the key. Part II
There is absolutely no denying the historical existence of a man named Jesus. He is as historical as Christopher Columbus. The thing that blows me away about the man named Jesus is the impact that his life left on the world. In 2000 years it has not lost one bit of momentum. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to say it has been pretty. Religions have formed around him and manipulated people, wars have been waged in his name, and hypocrisy and legalism have left a resounding distaste in peoples’ mouths. This in no way, shape or form reflects on who the man Jesus is and claimed to be. The reporting of his life has never changed and when you cut through all of the religious crap you find that for 2000 years the name of Jesus has perpetually changed peoples’ lives. I would like to authenticate this report. I am another one of those that have been changed. What I would like to report on, though, is what has changed. This is where I believe a major difference exists between secondhand reporting and a firsthand account. This is where holding the key and using the key are radically different. Living by faith and having faith do not even look similar. The Jesus that you have heard about and the Jesus that is in the Bible are very different. Look I know that this is very confusing and I will tell you that it takes years to work through and understand. When you enter the door it does not become a cure all and easy fix. It is anything but an easy fix. You do not magically get made perfect nor does everything go your way. That is what is so awesome about the Bible! It tells you this. It does not try and sell you some It tells you that the early followers of Jesus were imprisoned and tortured to death! That would definitely be obvious that life does not automatically get easier! Those lives were WAY easier (in an earthly sense) before encountering Jesus! These were people that left everything to follow this Jesus and some had their heads chopped off, willingly!!! They faced unknown dangers including, imprisonment, starvation, poverty and being disowned from their families and communities, but why? What was it that lead them to do this? Jesus is the key. Part II
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The secret that I know
The secret that I know
There is a secret that I know. It is a secret yet every town in America knows it. It is a secret that most of the world knows yet it is still a secret. It is information that goes so deep, infiltrates so many things that if it was shouted from the rooftop it would blow the cover off of everything that we know, yet it is broadcasted everywhere. This knowledge is available to all who desire it, yet it is still restricted. Well it has come to a point that I am weary of holding it in; no longer can I remain hush-hush regarding it. It is time for me to reveal the surprise. Tied up in the entire universe, the known and unknown, is a key that unlocks the door to all its mysteries. I have discovered this key. I have this key in my possession. I, myself, have entered the door. I have entered and it is beyond my wildest dream, far deeper and more surreal than that of my most untamed hallucination. It is a world filled with power and understanding, yet what remains to be discovered is equal to that of continents of new, unchartered lands.
The key that will get you in, this classified news that is available on every city block is one word. Jesus.
This one word, this one person is the key to everything everywhere. By Him unlocks the mysteries of all living by letting you in the door of all understanding. I want to stand on my rooftop and shout at the top of my lungs; the key is Jesus. Without Him you know nothing. I will say it again, without Him you know nothing, you are a fool. (I know this because I was a fool as well) Without Him you have no chance. Without Him you have zero understanding. Without Him you are a walking zombie searching for life. Without Him you will continue to walk around as a dying man searching for a cure.
This remains a secret because many know of this key but will not open the door. Well I did and I am not going to keep it a secret any longer I am going to tell you about it and I promise not to stop telling you. I am going to write and talk everyday all day and I am going to proclaim this secret. Jesus is the answer to all things. The door that He opens is a door that you don’t even know exists. Well I am going to tell you about it. I am going to look like a lunatic, sound like a fanatic, but you know what? I am. I am head over heels, in love with this Jesus. It is high time for everyone to fully know this secret that I know. So I am going to shout it from my rooftop, I am going to write it everywhere. I want everyone that knows me to know about this door. You do not have listen to me, but I think that if you do, you will be surprised by what I have found behind this door. It is mind blowing and different than what is advertised by those that have only read reports about it. Secondhand reporting will always miss the mark. I will start by saying that it is higher than any high can get you, deeper than any sexcapade can take you, richer and more complete than money can buy you. It leads you to truth and truth sets you free. You see without this secret, you are bound. You are a slave to this world, you are in chains to everything that is ugly and broken, and you yourself are broken. This secret will open the door to freedom. Jesus came to set you free. Freedom is unlike anything you know. All you know is slavery. I will shout it if I have to but right now I am whispering in your ear, you can be free, you can be free, you can be free. I was bound. I have been set free. The key is Jesus. Part 1
There is a secret that I know. It is a secret yet every town in America knows it. It is a secret that most of the world knows yet it is still a secret. It is information that goes so deep, infiltrates so many things that if it was shouted from the rooftop it would blow the cover off of everything that we know, yet it is broadcasted everywhere. This knowledge is available to all who desire it, yet it is still restricted. Well it has come to a point that I am weary of holding it in; no longer can I remain hush-hush regarding it. It is time for me to reveal the surprise. Tied up in the entire universe, the known and unknown, is a key that unlocks the door to all its mysteries. I have discovered this key. I have this key in my possession. I, myself, have entered the door. I have entered and it is beyond my wildest dream, far deeper and more surreal than that of my most untamed hallucination. It is a world filled with power and understanding, yet what remains to be discovered is equal to that of continents of new, unchartered lands.
The key that will get you in, this classified news that is available on every city block is one word. Jesus.
This one word, this one person is the key to everything everywhere. By Him unlocks the mysteries of all living by letting you in the door of all understanding. I want to stand on my rooftop and shout at the top of my lungs; the key is Jesus. Without Him you know nothing. I will say it again, without Him you know nothing, you are a fool. (I know this because I was a fool as well) Without Him you have no chance. Without Him you have zero understanding. Without Him you are a walking zombie searching for life. Without Him you will continue to walk around as a dying man searching for a cure.
This remains a secret because many know of this key but will not open the door. Well I did and I am not going to keep it a secret any longer I am going to tell you about it and I promise not to stop telling you. I am going to write and talk everyday all day and I am going to proclaim this secret. Jesus is the answer to all things. The door that He opens is a door that you don’t even know exists. Well I am going to tell you about it. I am going to look like a lunatic, sound like a fanatic, but you know what? I am. I am head over heels, in love with this Jesus. It is high time for everyone to fully know this secret that I know. So I am going to shout it from my rooftop, I am going to write it everywhere. I want everyone that knows me to know about this door. You do not have listen to me, but I think that if you do, you will be surprised by what I have found behind this door. It is mind blowing and different than what is advertised by those that have only read reports about it. Secondhand reporting will always miss the mark. I will start by saying that it is higher than any high can get you, deeper than any sexcapade can take you, richer and more complete than money can buy you. It leads you to truth and truth sets you free. You see without this secret, you are bound. You are a slave to this world, you are in chains to everything that is ugly and broken, and you yourself are broken. This secret will open the door to freedom. Jesus came to set you free. Freedom is unlike anything you know. All you know is slavery. I will shout it if I have to but right now I am whispering in your ear, you can be free, you can be free, you can be free. I was bound. I have been set free. The key is Jesus. Part 1
Friday, January 21, 2011
The coining of a new term, "mind constipation!"
I have recently emerged from a deep fog. It is not the first time that I have been immersed in such a fog but it is the first time that I have come out of it seeing it for what it was. Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to a new term, “mind constipation.” This is a time period in which there are many activities, thoughts, and ideas are rolling around in your mind but for some reason there is not anything coming out. Thoughts are lost, ideas never get expressed, there is no writing, no conversation, no laughter, no crying, nothing is coming out! You sit down to write, nothing, yet there are pages that want to be written. You try and have a conversation, nothing, yet long soliloquies are waiting to burst forth. A brainstorming session arises, nothing, yet it is a torrential downpour within. Just like it’s counterpart it is borderline paralyzing. It affects everything around you. Instead of hemorrhoids it produces palpitating headaches and insomnia.
I would like to happily announce that relief has finally come. I want to boldly declare it is just as satisfying as its dreadful ally it terms as relief. The words have emerged, the thoughts are flowing, and the keys are being pounded. Sleep was obtained! It feels so refreshing to be able to communicate again. The log jam of my mind will take some time to unravel itself, but that is fine. You cannot rush this sort of relief! Hopefully the byproduct will be of some value to someone rather than just being a relief in and of itself!
I would like to happily announce that relief has finally come. I want to boldly declare it is just as satisfying as its dreadful ally it terms as relief. The words have emerged, the thoughts are flowing, and the keys are being pounded. Sleep was obtained! It feels so refreshing to be able to communicate again. The log jam of my mind will take some time to unravel itself, but that is fine. You cannot rush this sort of relief! Hopefully the byproduct will be of some value to someone rather than just being a relief in and of itself!
Friday, January 14, 2011
20 things that I like
Twenty things that I like a lot: no order, just as it flows
I really like wisdom. I mean I seriously love it. It makes me go crazy on the inside. It makes me feel like I am going to burst. When someone takes the information of the past and actually believes it and follows it, they then, become wise. That is when things change, a building block is added. Most of the time it takes getting to the end to see what could have been seen at the beginning and the journey could have gone to a whole world of new discoveries.
I like inspirational stories that dynamic people tell. I like when someone becomes somebody that they had no chance to ever become.
I like love. I like everything that I have learned about it in the last few years of meditating about it. The thing I like best about it is that it is not something far off and unattainable; it is before my eyes at every second. I hold the key that unlocks the door. If I fail to use it, it is only my fault. I like that love is the only force of the universe that I can change.
I like the moments that my kids are able to provoke unstoppable laughter from my belly just because they are who they are.
I like when all is still and the presence of God fully engulfs me and reminds who He is.
I like that that always comes when I need it the most.
I like the radiance that flows from my wife’s face when she lets herself enjoy life.
I like a really good cup of coffee.
I like that nothing has to stay the same.
I like to cook for people.
I like flower gardens.
I like that I am not expected to be perfect, and I am loved perfectly.
I like movies that can make me cry.
I like Jon Foreman.
I like how my oldest son will press his face against mine to be close to me.
I like how my daughter will squeeze my face and push her nose against mine and tell me to not talk mean to her.
I like how my youngest son will look at me and squint at me to mock my squinty eyes.
I like shoveling my driveway late at night.
I like that despite any circumstance that comes my way it can never ever separate me from my HOPE.
I really like wisdom. I mean I seriously love it. It makes me go crazy on the inside. It makes me feel like I am going to burst. When someone takes the information of the past and actually believes it and follows it, they then, become wise. That is when things change, a building block is added. Most of the time it takes getting to the end to see what could have been seen at the beginning and the journey could have gone to a whole world of new discoveries.
I like inspirational stories that dynamic people tell. I like when someone becomes somebody that they had no chance to ever become.
I like love. I like everything that I have learned about it in the last few years of meditating about it. The thing I like best about it is that it is not something far off and unattainable; it is before my eyes at every second. I hold the key that unlocks the door. If I fail to use it, it is only my fault. I like that love is the only force of the universe that I can change.
I like the moments that my kids are able to provoke unstoppable laughter from my belly just because they are who they are.
I like when all is still and the presence of God fully engulfs me and reminds who He is.
I like that that always comes when I need it the most.
I like the radiance that flows from my wife’s face when she lets herself enjoy life.
I like a really good cup of coffee.
I like that nothing has to stay the same.
I like to cook for people.
I like flower gardens.
I like that I am not expected to be perfect, and I am loved perfectly.
I like movies that can make me cry.
I like Jon Foreman.
I like how my oldest son will press his face against mine to be close to me.
I like how my daughter will squeeze my face and push her nose against mine and tell me to not talk mean to her.
I like how my youngest son will look at me and squint at me to mock my squinty eyes.
I like shoveling my driveway late at night.
I like that despite any circumstance that comes my way it can never ever separate me from my HOPE.
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