Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Get me off the downers......or Insanity versus lunacy

A few weeks ago I posted a quote that I heard that was one of the wisest things that has ever entered my ears. Tonight it went through my head and I heard it so clearly spoken. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. Wow... I do not want to be called insane. I do not mind being called a lunatic because I believe a few thousand years ago that a man taught a whole bunch of stuff about real living, died (clearly with me in mind,) then came back to life (meaning His soul returned to His dead body and woke Him up) then He left the earth but then sent this His Spirit back to the earth to teach people. (This sounds like something I lunatic would believe, therefore I am fine with being called that name) But I would hate to be remembered as being insane. I just picture people driving by my house pointing at the guy that is waiting for oranges to appear on his apple tree. Hopefully some kind soul would stop and gently say, "Sir....you have to plant orange seeds to get oranges. It doesn't matter how much you do to that apple tree, it will never give you an orange."
I do not want to be that man! I want some people to start asking me, "what are you doing different to achieve the life that you want?" I want to be held accountable to the fact that my life has got to change in order to become a man. Childish things must be laid to rest. I want to be asked if this is happening regularly. I am tried of insanity. It is tiring. Being a lunatic is a phenomenal way to live. I derive the greatest of highs from lunacy. Insanity brings a total downer to party. Nobody likes a downer. Please people>>>>>>>>help me get off the downers!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I believe this morning that I planted an orange seed. We have to sow...that is my mantra.
